WaveRunner 64Xi – LeCroy Digital Oscilloscopes

WaveRunner 64Xi – LeCroy Digital Oscilloscopes
600MHz (Bandwidth)
WaveRunner Xi Series gives you everything with no compromises: great performance, big display, and small footprint along with WaveStream fast viewing mode, enhanced standard trigger capability, and much more. WaveRunner Xi is the perfect solution whether your signals are fast or slow. No matter what your need, you can put the precision, performance, and capability of WaveRunner Xi to work for you.
•Great Performance. With 5 GS/s and 2 Mpts on every channel (up to 10 GS/s interleaved with WaveRunner 64Xi), you can be assured of precise measurements of fast signals, and long captures of slow speed events
•Big Display / Small Footprint. LeCroy believes that the display is your window to insight about the behavior of your circuit. That is why we use a big, bright 10.4 inch color display to make your signals really come alive. You will love the impressive display viewing angle, and the very small instrument footprint makes it easy to work anywhere
•LeCroy WaveStreamTM Fast Viewing Mode. WaveStream has a rich, lively analog oscilloscope feel with 256 intensity levels mapped to the display. In addition, it works at sample rates up to 10 GS/s. WaveStream is most helpful in viewing signals that have signal jitter or signal anomalies. It is also an excellent runt or glitch finder. WaveStream also excels in allowing you to relate composite (WaveStream) to single-event (real-time sampled) behaviors
•Unmatched Measurement Capability. With WaveRunner Xi, you can quickly accumulate data on thousands of measurements, often in a single shot. Touch a button and display statistical information. Touch another button to display a Histicon graphical view of the measurement distribution. Expand this view into a larger histogram of measurement data. Accumulate up to 2 billion measurement events, or create measurable persistence traces of signals with the optional WRXi-STAT
•Elegantly designed and Easy to Use. Every aspect of the WaveRunner Xi user interface is carefully thought out for maximum efficiency. Common operations are easily accessed. The integrated stylus for the touch screen is cleverly stored within the front panel. Ten different languages are supported in the graphical UI and front panel
•Everyday Testing to Advanced Analysis. WaveRunner Xi provides the highest value for everyday characterization, validation, and debug. Whether you are debugging circuits with a mix of slow and high-speed signals, or performing signal integrity checks on high-speed clock and data signals, WaveRunner Xi has the right toolset that is easily applied
•Signal Integrity Testing. Use the high sample rate to characterize signal shape, rise time, and overshoot, and verify the presence or absence of high-speed transients
•Timing Characterization. Extensive triggers allow fast event isolation. Measure timing statistically and view behavior graphically using histograms
•Slow/High Speed Signal Mix. Long memory, HFrej trigger coupling and built-in noise filtering enable fast understanding of signal behavior in circuits with a mix of slow-speed (sensor, actuator, power supply, mechanical) and high-speed signals
•Power/Amplifier Measurements. Excellent overdrive recovery and signal integrity make WaveRunner Xi ideal for high voltage switching loss, ripple, and other amplifier measurements
•High performance mixed-signal option with the MS-500 or MS-250. These solutions can capture digital signals with speeds up to 500 MHz. Available in 18 or 36 digital channel models and with long 50 Mpts/Ch memory the MS series are the ideal tools for efficient testing 16 bit embedded systems where all 16 ADDR and DATA lines can be viewed simultaneously.
•Advanced Features ◦Sequence Acquisition Mode to optimize capture, viewing, and understanding of events that are spaced far apart in time
◦Extensive pass/fail capability with multiple conditions and limits, and flexibility to choose the action that is enabled when the conditions are satisfied
◦Creation of user-customized measurement parameters or math functions using Excel, MATLAB, Mathcad or VB Scripts
◦Characterization of PWM signals and other data in a graphical mode (Track) to enable fast understanding of signal modulation or behavior (optional)






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