6600 – Krohn-Hite Phase Meters
10MHz (High end frequency limit) Continue reading
Tag Archives: Krohn-Hite 3 phase power meter
6610 – Krohn-Hite Phase Meters
6610 – Krohn-Hite Phase Meters
10MHz (High end frequency limit) Continue reading
6620 – Krohn-Hite Phase Meters
6620 – Krohn-Hite Phase Meters
10MHz (High end frequency limit) Continue reading
6400 – Krohn-Hite Phase Meters
6400 – Krohn-Hite Phase Meters
5MHz (High end frequency limit) Continue reading
6500A – Krohn-Hite Phase Meters
6500A – Krohn-Hite Phase Meters
5MHz (High end frequency limit)
The 6500A Digital Phasemeter is an ideal source instrument for precision, phase angle measurements.It is suited for a broad range of applications, including monitoring of servo control systems, low impedance measurements, adjustment of crystal resonance, testing and adjustment of filter networks, controlling laser trimming of resistor networks, measurements in AC power systems, calibration laboratories and general testing and measurement. Operation of the 6500A requires only selecting the proper input level for each channel and observing the readout in degrees.
The 6500A offers precision angle measurements with 0.05º accuracy and 0.01º resolution. It provides phase measurements over a broad frequency range of 3Hz to 5MHz and accepts a variety of input waveforms including sine, triangle, square waves and positive pulses. Input signal level for the 6500A is from 10 mV to 120 V rms. Direct readout of phase angles between 0º and 360º is obtained via a digital, planar gas discharge display.
High end frequency limit
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Digital Phasemeter
Our 6500A Krohn-Hite phase meter are perfect for your project as well as the 6500A Krohn-Hite phase meters are for rent, lease, and for sale at a cheap price with us Premium Test Equipment if you want to buy a Krohn-Hite phase meter. The 6500A Krohn-Hite phase meters are here for you today to rent, lease or buy.