CSA7404B – Tektronix Digital Oscilloscopes
4GHz (Bandwidth) The CSA7404B reduces product development time by providing one tool that spans circuit development and physical layer testing. With this family, engineers can test designs for compliance to network communications standards as well as analyze critical internal parameters such as signal integrity, timing margins, and jitter.
The CSA7404B has 4 GHz true analog bandwidth, a 20 GS/s maximum real-time sample rate, and more than 400,000 wfms/s waveform capture rate, enabled by exclusive DPXÆ acquisition technology, to rapidly acquire electrical and optical signal information not revealed with other analysis tools. Integrated broad wavelength optical response, clock recovery, serial pattern triggering, and mask testing make testing faster, easier, and more efficient. Innovative software solutions deliver domain expertise for advanced analysis and compliance testing, while the OpenChoiceÆ architecture enables users to integrate their expertise through the ability to easily write custom programs, or utilize popular commercial software. Instrument operation is familiar and intuitive through direct controls and a graphical user interface. This unique combination of superior measurement fidelity, unrivaled analysis, and uncompromised usability speeds the development of network communications circuit designs.
•Real-time Oscilloscope Platform with Up to 4 GHz True Analog Bandwidth and Down to 72 ps Rise Time (20% – 80%)
•>400,000 wfms/s Waveform Capture Rate, powered by exclusive DPXÆ acquisition technology
•20 GS/s Maximum Real-time Sample Rate
•MyScopeÆ Custom Control Windows Enhance Productivity
•Right Mouse Click Menus for Exceptional Efficiency
•Built-in Compliance Mask Tests with up to 2.5 Gb/s Optical and Electrical Data Stream Rates
•Integrated Optical Reference Receiver Protects Integrity of System Calibration
•Integrated Hardware Clock Recovery Provides Single-connection Convenience
•Up to 64 MB Record Length with MultiView Zoom for Quick Navigation of Long Records
•64-Bit Serial Trigger for Isolation of Pattern-dependent Effects
•Complete Eye Pattern Measurements Suite Including Extinction Ratio, Q-factor, Eye Height/Width, Jitter and Noise
•Waveform Database Acquisition Technology for Accurate Parametric Measurements on Eye Patterns
•TekConnectÆ Interface for High Fidelity Connection
•OpenChoiceÆ with Microsoft Windows 2000 Delivers Built-in Networking and Analysis
Sample Rate
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Communications Signal Analyzer