9362 – LeCroy Digital Oscilloscopes
1.5GHz (Bandwidth) The LeCroy 9362 10 GS/s sample rate makes it the fastest single shot digital scope available. It is ideal for applications like digital design, which require high bandwidth single-shot acquisition. Its two independent digitizers are clocked simultaneously to make precise timing measurements. Fast single-shot pulses can be characterized with 100 psec resolution in single channel mode or 200 psec resolution using both channels. With 1.5 GHz bandwidth, the 9362 is also ideal for characterizing high-speed repetitive signals. Optional FET probes ensure low loading and high bandwidth. Optional packages for FFT and extensive Waveform Processing (including Enhanced Resolution processing to 11 bits) are available
•10 GS/s max single shot sampling
•Repetitive sampling mode with 1.5 GHz bandwidth
•750 MHz single-shot bandwidth
•Single-shot acquisition available on all timebases
•8-bit vertical resolution; 11 with ERES option
•Glitch, Interval, Dropout, Video and State-Qualified Triggers
•Advanced signal processing
•Record length to 25,000 points
•Automatic PASS/FAIL testing
•36 Automatic measurements
•Internal 3.5 floppy disk and PCMCIA portable hard drive storage options
•Internal high resolution graphics printer option
Sample Rate
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