90 – Wavetek Function Generators

90 – Wavetek Function Generators
20.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.)
Waveforms: programmable sine, triangle, square, ramp and DC Frequency 20 Hz to 20 MHz synthesized, 1 mHz to 20 MHz nonsynthesized, 1 mHz to 1 MHz 600 ohms or balanced Resolution: 4 digits Amplitude (50 ohms into 50 ohms) Range: 1 mV…•Waveforms: programmable sine, triangle, square, ramp and DC
•Frequency 20 Hz to 20 MHz synthesized, 1 mHz to 20 MHz nonsynthesized, 1 mHz to 1 MHz 600 ohms or balanced
•Resolution: 4 digits
•Amplitude (50 ohms into 50 ohms)
•Range: 1 mV to 15 Vp-p
•Modes: Continuous; Triggered; Gated; Burst;
•AM; FM; SCM; Sweep, and External Phaselock Sweep: Lin, log, up, down and up/down; 100 ms to 3600s
•Sync Out: (50 ohms)
•Sweep Out: (600 ohms)

Frequency Range Max.20.0MHz

Waveform OutputsSine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, DC Offset

ModulationAM, FM, LIN/LOG Sweep, Sweep, Burst, Gated, Trigger

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Function Generator