70301A – Agilent / HP Sweeper Generators
18.0GHz (Frequency Range Max.)
An Agilent 70301A microwave tracking generator adds stimulus-response measurement to an Agilent 70000 series spectrum analyzer, enabling accurate characterization of gain, frequency response, isolation, and return loss. The wide dynamic range (>130 dB with 70301A and 71210C) makes accurate measurements of filter rejection and switch isolation without the need for time-consuming averaging. The system has very high selectivity, with resolution bandwidths as narrow as 10 Hz. High selectivity allows measurements in the presence of other signals — a key advantage when measuring LO-to-RF isolation of a mixer or the return loss of an active antenna system. Unlike a point-by-point measurement system, the Agilent 70000 scalar system sweeps quickly and provides continuous data. The system is controlled using Agilent 70871A scalar personality.
•2-slot MMS module
•Scalar analysis for component testing
•Tracking generator 50 kHz to 18 GHz
•>130 dB dynamic range
•Scalar software personality
•Compatible with lightwave signal analyzer
Frequency Range Max.18.0GHz
Max. Output Powern/a
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Microwave Tracking Generator