68337B – Anritsu Sweeper Generators
20.0GHz (Frequency Range Max.)
The 69000A/68000B Synthesized CW Generators feature 10 MHz to 65 GHz frequency coverage. CW or steo sweep,low SSB phase noise and spurious signals, output levels to + 17 dBm, and optional 0.1 Hz resolution combine to make these sources ideal for local oscillator replacement applications.
The 69200A/ 68200B Synthesized Signal Generators provide AM and FM via external modulating signals or internal arbitrary waveform generator.The internal generators offer 7 modulating waveforms,including Gaussian noise, as well as user-defined arbitrary waveforms.Pulse modulation parameters can be set externally or by internal pulse generator.
The 69300A / 68300B Synthesized sweep/signal generators provide all capabilities of our CW generators, sweep generators and signal generators in a single package
•120 models for perfect fut to any application
•Ultra-low SSB phase noise; – 100 dBc at 10 KHz offset from 10 GHz
•0.01 to 65 GHz frequency coverage in a single coaxial output
•Waveguide extensions to 110 GHz
•+17 dBm maximum power, -125 dBm min. power
•Internal AM,FM, phase and pulse modulation
•User down-loaded complex modulation
Frequency Range Max.20.0GHz
Max. Output Power13dBm
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Synthesized Sweep Generator