492BP – Tektronix Spectrum Analyzers

492BP – Tektronix Spectrum Analyzers
21.00GHz (High end frequency limit)•Center frequency: 10KHz to 21GHz internal mixer, 325GHz using optional WM490 series mixers.
•Built-in frequency counter
•Resolution Bandwidth (6dB): 100Hz to 3MHz.
•Frequency Span/Div Range: 0Hz, 100Hz to 10GHz (up to 10GHz in waveguide bands).
•Automatic noise normalization to 1Hz and conversion for reference units in dBm, dBmV, dBV, dBuV and dB/Hz.
•Digital storage
•Tracking preselector
•Direct plot capability
•Nonvolatile memory (stores up to 9 waveforms and 10 front panel settings)
•GPIB fully programmable.


High end frequency limit


Resolution Bandwidth Max.


Resolution Bandwidth Min.


Amplitude Range

117 to +30 dBm

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