188 – Wavetek Function Generators
4.0MHz (Frequency Range Max.)
The Wavetek 188 Function Generator covers a wide 0.004Hz to 4MHz frequency span in seven overlapping ranges. The unit also has a 10,000:1 logarithmic frequency range. The unit puts out sine, triangle, square, TTL, pulse and dc and has both trigger and gate modes. High level output is a full 20 V peak-to-peak from a 50-ohm termination with maximum peak current of 100 mA. You can externally modulate or sweep the generator frequency in each of its 1000:1 ranges with dc or ac signals. Has DC offset with calibrated zero.
•Frequency Accuracy 5 %
•Maximum Output Voltage 10 V
•Output Impedance 50 Ohm
•Modulation FM,VCG
•Sweep Modes Linear,Log
•Trigger Modes Gate,Trigger,Sweep
•DC Offset w/Calibrated Zero
Frequency Range Max.4.0MHz
Waveform OutputsSine, Square, Triangle, Pulse, TTL
ModulationLIN/LOG Sweep, Sweep, Gated, Trigger
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Function Generator